Airbus A220 – Air Systems
{“questions”:{“8867s”:{“id”:”8867s”,”mediaType”:”image”,”answerType”:”text”,”imageCredit”:””,”image”:”https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/A220-Air-Systems-Q1.jpg”,”imageId”:”6319″,”video”:””,”imagePlaceholder”:””,”imagePlaceholderId”:””,”title”:”Without external bleed air connected and while on BATT power only, it is possible that the EXT AIR symbol is displayed (green) on the AIR synoptic page while the L and R bleed pressure readouts can vary between 9 PSI and 16 PSI (instead of 0 PSI). This is because:”,”desc”:””,”hint”:””,”answers”:{“1n96c”:{“id”:”1n96c”,”image”:””,”imageId”:””,”title”:”Data from the Air Data System…… Continue Reading →