How many computers control the fly-by-wire flight control system?
Standby mode of Horizontal Stab, indicated by an amber Stabilizer Failed CAS message, occurs when you lose the ability to trim the stab (e.g., dual motor failure, jam or dual HSCU channel failure).
In standby, you’re trimming elevators as opposed to horizontal stab and there’s no off-load feature. Don’t use backup pitch trim switch.
The left and right hydraulic systems are connected to the actuators in such a way that if one hydraulic system is lost, all primary flight control surfaces (other than one mid or inboard spoiler pair) remain operational.
What is the primary purpose of ROLL MOTOR CONTROL switch?
What is common among primary flight control surfaces?
In alternate mode pitch, roll, and rudder pedal inputs are multiplied by a set of fixed gains to command the elevator, ailerons, roll spoilers, and rudder.
What’s the purpose of Backup Flight Control Unit (BFCU)?
It is designed to provide what Gulfstream calls 'get home capability'. The BFCU is located under the cabin floor aft of the main entrance door.
The red 'Aircraft Configuration' CAS message is inhibited on ground at:
The spoiler commands are based on the pilot wheel positions and the speed brake lever. The Flight Control Computers (FCCs) perform the necessary control law computations (including command mixing between roll control and speed brake / ground lift dump functions) and send the spoiler position commands via two digital databuses to each of the REUs (Remote Electronics Units).
The flaps are:
What happens if speed brakes are extended and pilot advances throttles to a high-power setting?
The BFCU receives position sensor information from the control wheel, control column and rudder pedal assembly for each pilot and trim control switches (Backup Pitch trim ONLY).
What pilot action is required for an aileron surface or spoiler surface jam?
Partial speed brake and ground spoiler functions are still available when the Primary Flight Control System (PFCS) is in Backup mode (amber BFCU Active).
Speed brake and ground spoiler functions are not available when the Primary Flight Control System (PFCS) is in Backup mode (amber BFCU Active).
The aircraft cannot be dispatched with one FCC channel inoperative or the BFCU inoperative.
The aircraft may be dispatched (with restrictions) with one FCC channel inoperative or the BFCU inoperative with restriction. See MMEL for dispatch requirements.
Under normal conditions, the Flight Control System (FCS) will be in Normal mode. Normal mode has _____.
What is maximum spoiler deflection?
The maximum deflection with full speed brake extension is 30 degrees in-flight or 55 degrees on ground with flap handle not up.
The primary FCS actuators provide a damping feature to protect the primary control surfaces from potential damage caused by wind gusts (up to _____) while the aircraft is on the ground with hydraulic systems depressurized.
There is no 'gust lock’ mechanism.
What is the function of FLT CTRL RESET switch?
What are the requirements for ground spoiler deployment?
All six spoilers are used to reduce lift on the wing to enhance the effectiveness of the main landing gear brakes. When the conditions have been meet for auto ground spoiler deployment, all six spoiler panels will deploy to a full 55 degrees.
During the first flight of the day, a separate FCC SPOST is performed with the MAIN BATTERIES selected ON with or without APU GEN power.
During the first flight of the day, a separate FCC SPOST is performed with the MAIN BATTERIES selected ON and without APU GEN power. When the EBHA and then the UPS switches are selected ON, the SPOST will exercise the system without having the FCC Batteries receiving power from the EBHA and UPS Battery chargers in order to accurately check battery health. The SPOST will exercise the powered systems, associated with flashing indications on the pedestal in the cockpit and 8 cycles of the pilot side stick shaker.
The FCS will be in Direct mode after all four FCC channels become invalid. The Direct mode behavior is the same as Alternate mode but some of the software and hardware is different and/or simplified to help guarantee its availability.
The pilot and copilot rudder pedals are _____ connected.
The pilot and copilot rudder pedals are mechanically connected with a hard link which cannot be overridden. In the event of a rudder pedal jam, the aircraft can be safely flown with rudder trim. Trim switches are provided for pitch, roll, and yaw axes.
The flight control system consists of the primary Flight Control System (FCS), the flap system and the horizontal stabilizer system. The primary FCS includes the components that control _____
These surfaces are hydraulically actuated and electrically controlled with fly-by-wire technology. The flap actuation system includes the Flap Electronic Control Unit (FECU) and the drive system. The horizontal stabilizer system includes a Horizontal Stabilizer Control Unit (HSCU) and a Horizontal Stabilizer Trim Actuator (HSTA). Nosewheel steering and brakes are not considered to be part of the Flight Control System (FCS).
The pitch trim switches have a split design to prevent inadvertent activation and minimizes the chance of runaway due to stuck or jammed pitch trim switch, or electrical fault.
An 'AUTOCENTER' push button switch provides a simple and quick method for the flight crew to command rudder trim to neutral. Once pressed for at least 2 seconds the FCCs will neutralize the rudder trim at the standard rudder trim rate.
Please select 2 correct answers
Once pressed (holding the push button is not necessary) the FCCs will neutralize the rudder trim at the standard rudder trim rate.
What is the auto-retract feature?
The speed brake 'auto retract' function will only activate in FCC Normal or Alternate modes.
What indications would you get during speed brake extension?
During level off, as power is increased during level off, the blue Speed Brake Extended message changes to amber and you get the associated two bong caution chime.
If a touch and go landing is to be performed, GND SPLR must be OFF and manual spoiler distances used.
The pilot and copilot primary flight controls include control wheels, columns and rudder pedals. Each primary control is connected to position sensors and artificial feel mechanisms.
What happens when ROLL MOTOR CONTROL switch is selected to OFF?
The primary FCS has _____ modes of operation.
A stick shaker motor is mounted to each control column. The motors are located at the lower end of each column below the floor mounts and are used to shake the control column _____
The stick shaker does not normally activate when the stall protection system (AOA limiter) is active. The column shakers may be tested on the ground by selecting the test page of the Standby Multifunction Controller (SMC) and pressing and holding the stall warning button. The pilot’s column shaker will activate first for 3 seconds and after a short delay the copilot’s column shaker will activate for 3 seconds.
What is an Electric Backup Hydraulic Actuator (EBHA)?
The primary FCS includes seven Electric Backup Hydraulic Actuators (EBHA) - one rudder, two ailerons, two elevators and two outboard spoilers.
What happens when GPWS/GND SPLR FLAP ORIDE switch is selected to ON?
What is the minimum number of FCC channels that can command all flight control surfaces on the aircraft?
In the AOA (Angle Of Attack) limiting feature mode, full aft column input commands the maximum nose angle-of-attack of _____
Which actuator has an electric backup mode?
Speed brake and ground spoiler functions are not available when the Primary Flight Control System (PFCS) is in Backup mode (amber BFCU Active) but Ground spoilers and Speed Brake auto retract are available in Direct Mode.
Ground spoilers and Speed Brake auto retract are also NOT available in Direct Mode.
There are two dual-channel Flight Control Computers (FCCs) and a Backup Flight Control Unit (BFCU) which generate commands for the control surface actuators. The FCCs house the operational logic (also known as Control Laws) for control of the flight control surfaces. Any one of the four FCC channels is independently fully capable of safely operating the entire aircraft FCS.
In the event that both Flight Control Computers (FCCs) - all four channels - are inoperative, the Backup Flight Control Unit (BFCU) controls:
During the selection of the AUTO CENTER switch a signal is sent to FCC’s which then electrically direct the rudder trim actuation system to center the rudder.
What component is responsible for moving the stabilizer surface?
Speed brakes are not approved for extension with flaps 39 degrees or with landing gear extended in flight.
The speed brake function is performed by manually commanding the speed brake lever. The actuation of the speed brake lever will cause the three pairs of spoiler panels to deploy proportionally to the lever displacement.
All six spoiler panels can be controlled by the speed brake handle located on the left side of the center pedestal. The handle is a fly-by-wire module.
The EBHA has _____ modes of operation.
The Electric Backup Hydraulic Actuators (EBHA) is able to operate in electric backup mode if normal source of hydraulic pressure is lost or operate in Motor Control Electronics (MCE) direct control mode for failure of both REU’s (Remote Electronics Units).
EBHA REU normally controls MCE when EBHA is in EB (electric backup) operation and MCE controls operation of backup electric motor. For REU failure, MCE can directly control the EBHA.
Ground spoilers and Speed Brake auto retract are available in Direct Mode.
Ground spoilers and Speed Brake auto retract are not available in Direct Mode.
What pilot action is required in the unlikely event that rudder pedals become mechanically jammed?
What is the true statement?
Within EB (Electrical Backup) hydraulic manifold, an electric motor turns an electric pump that draws fluid from self-contained reservoir: it acts like third hydraulic system. The fluid is trapped from normal source of hydraulics.
There is an electric motor turns a hydraulic (NOT electric) pump that draws fluid from self-contained reservoir: it acts like third hydraulic system. The fluid is trapped from normal source of hydraulics.