
The ICE DET TEST switch is on the SYSTEM TEST panel. When pressed, the switch illuminates TEST (blue) and initiates a test of the ice detection circuitry.

Correct! Wrong!

Operation of wing anti-icing is required if icing conditions are imminent, or immediately upon detection of ice formation on:

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The windshield blower fan is powered by the ____, and the nozzle actuator is powered by the left main DC bus. When the control switch is pressed, the blue ON illuminates, the actuator extends the left and right blower nozzles, and the fan starts.

Correct! Wrong!

The nozzles direct high-velocity air (approximately 100 mph) to the bottom of each windshield. The high-velocity airstream removes beaded water droplets from the windshield and provides unobstructed visibility to the crewmembers during ground operation.

Two ice detectors, located on the forward fuselage, receive power from the 115-VAC essential AC buses.

Correct! Wrong!

When is the wing anti-ice system turned OFF?

Correct! Wrong!

Automatic anti-icing is inhibited above 35,000 ft. If anti-icing protection is required above 35,000 ft, it must be manually selected.

Correct! Wrong!

If the ice detector test is initiated while the wing anti-ice switches are selected to the AUTO position, the wing anti-ice system will be engaged for 10 seconds.

Correct! Wrong!

If the ice detector test is initiated while the wing anti-ice switches are selected to the AUTO position, the wing anti-ice system will be engaged for 3 seconds.

The total air temperature (TAT) probe heaters are located on the lower left and right sides of the forward fuselage. Heater elements are an integral part of the TAT probes and receive 115- VAC power from the left and right standby AC buses. They are normally powered when the upper and lower probe switches are selected to ON and the aircraft has weight off wheels (WoW).

Correct! Wrong!

The cabin window heat system electrically defogs each of the cabin windows when the aircraft is airborne.

Correct! Wrong!

What would you do for a L WING HOT amber message?

Correct! Wrong!


Auto activation of cowl and wing anti-ice is inhibited:

Correct! Wrong!

Engine vibrations may increase when icing occurs. The fan should normally shed the ice, and vibrations will return to a normal level. To help shed the ice when high vibration occurs and operational circumstances permit, one engine at a time may be quickly retarded to idle, held there for _____ and then accelerated to _____.

Correct! Wrong!

The power lever may then be returned to its original position.

If the cowl anti-ice is operating from the automatic mode, and the ice detectors no longer detect ice, the cowl anti-ice will turn off:

Correct! Wrong!

When taxiing or holding on the ground at low power in temperatures less than 1°C, engine operation at _____ is recommended just prior to takeoff and at intervals of not more than 60 minutes under these temperature and moisture conditions.

Correct! Wrong!

After engine start-up, the windshield heat control unit automatically performs a self-test of each circuit.

Correct! Wrong!

At initial power-up, the windshield heat control unit automatically performs a self-test of each circuit. If the self-test is passed, the front windshield is then powered by ramping from 0 to 100% in four minutes.

There are four anti-ice areas on the Gulfstream G500/550 aircraft: the wing leading edges, engine cowls, windshield, and air data sensors.

Correct! Wrong!

When the cowl anti-ice system is turned OFF and the anti-ice valve fails to close within _____, an amber L-R COWL VALVE FAIL OPEN message is displayed on the CAS. Also, a pressure indication is displayed on the ECS/PRESS synoptic page.

Correct! Wrong!

The use of flaps in icing conditions is restricted to takeoff, approach and landing only.

Correct! Wrong!

Holding in icing conditions is limited to flaps UP only.

Gulfstream G550 – Ice and Rain Protection