
The wing tank vent system provides sufficient venting while the aircraft is:

Correct! Wrong!

It also lightly pressurizes each wing tank during flight.

The fuel quantity is measured by 38 transistorized capacitance- type fuel level probes, with 19 per tank. The left and right fuel tank probes operate independently and supply separate signals to a fuel quantity processor (signal conditioner).

Correct! Wrong!

Fuel quantity is displayed on the engine instruments, along with fuel flow and fuel tank temperature. The MCDU #1 also has a backup fuel quantity indication

The 'heated fuel return' should turn on below a tank temperature of and off above a tank temperature of:

Correct! Wrong!

Gravity fueling must be done on level ground. If one wing is lower than the other, the fuel load in the wing tanks may not be balanced.

Correct! Wrong!

When the fuel TEST switch is pressed, the fuel total should read amber _____, L and R should read amber _____, and the CAS message should read amber L R FUEL LEVEL LOW.

Correct! Wrong!

The automatic refueling system, (ground service control panel) uses electrical power from the:

Correct! Wrong!

A fuel hopper, which is an isolated compartment with a capacity of ____ within each wing tank, provides fuel for each engine and the APU. Four fuel boost pumps move the fuel in the hoppers through fuel feed lines to the APU and the left and right engines.

Correct! Wrong!

The fuel hopper is an isolated compartment in each fuel tank, located on each side of the centerline rib.

The defueling check valves are flapper-type valves located downstream of the pressure fueling and defueling adapter in the defueling lines going to each fuel hopper.

Correct! Wrong!

The heated fuel return system (HFRS) provides the fuel storage tanks with heated fuel. The HFRS has the effect of heating the fuel in the wing tanks, which in turn prevents fuel from freezing under high-altitude, coldsoak conditions. The heated fuel return control valve (HFRCV) is controlled by:

Correct! Wrong!

The HFRS consists of a heated fuel return control valve, backup heated fuel return valve, return switch on the cockpit overhead panel, and wing pipework.

The total fuel capacity for the G550 tanks is 6,118 gallons (41,300 pounds).The total capacity is 5,214 gallons (35,200 lbs) for the G500. Fuel loads may exceed 41,300 or 35,200 pounds indicated as long as ramp or takeoff weight limits are not exceeded.

Correct! Wrong!

Gulfstream G550 – Fuel