
The two outflow valves on the aft pressure bulkhead meter open or close to regulate the volume of bleed air outflow into the aircraft tail cone.

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The balance between inflow and outflow establishes cabin pressure.

With a destination field elevation below 8,000 feet, the red 'CABIN ALT' CAS message displays when the cabin altitude exceeds:

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If total DC power is lost, automatic pressurization without pilot input is controlled by:

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On the ground with the throttles below _____ throttle lever angle(TLA), the outflow valves are fully opened allowing all bleed air from the engines to escape overboard into the tail cone.

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This ensures that cabin doors open easily and when opened prevents sudden pressure changes.

The pressurization system operates in high altitude mode if:

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To pressurize the aircraft and operate normally, the AIR SOURCE SELECT knob must be positioned to:

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With the PRESS CONT switch in the STANDBY position, the CAS displays:

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This message indicates failure of the pressurization controller or that the pilot has selected the PRESS CONT switch to STANDBY, disabling the pressurization controller.

During climb, the automatic mode limits the cabin pressurization rate from exceeding approximately _____ regardless of the aircraft climb rate.

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The maximum cabin altitude limit valves (one in each outflow valve) automatically prevent cabin pressure altitude from exceeding:

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The pressurization controller has two modes of operation:

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The CABIN DUMP switch requires DC power. However, it works with the BATT switch in the EMER position.

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In normal pressurization operations, the aircraft can cruise at 41,000 feet and can have a cabin altitude of:

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Placing the PRESS CONT switch in the STANDBY position causes the pressurization controller to:

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If the CABIN DUMP switch is pressed while the aircraft is at 30,000 feet, and there is bleed air being supplied to the pressure vessel, the cabin altitude will climb or descend to what altitude?

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The max deferential pressure is:

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The maximum altitude limit valves are only effective as long as:

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During descent, as the aircraft descends 500 feet below cruise altitude, the cabin begins to rate down toward DEST ELV. The cabin should reach DEST ELV when the aircraft is _____ above landing field elevation and maintain this altitude until landing.

Correct! Wrong!

If both generators fail and the BATT switch is placed in the EMER position, the pilot control of the pressurization system is with the use of the:

Correct! Wrong!

Citation Mustang – Pressurization