
What lights are turned on by the STORM light switch?

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The nose gear landing lights illuminate when the nose landing gear is not down and locked when the switch is ON.

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Any time passenger oxygen is deployed, the FASTEN SEAT BELTS signs illuminate automatically, regardless of the selector position.

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If a door is opened from the outside, the mode select lever automatically moves to the DISARMED position.

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Interior Emergency Lighting - Interior emergency lighting consists of door, aisle, cross–aisle, escape path, exit lights, and luminescent exit signs. Battery powered exit lights are located:

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Which lights are turned to full bright by the STORM light switch?

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EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM is powered by a fully charged battery for:

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What is the status of the nose gear landing lights when the NOSE LANDING light switch is ON but the nose landing gear is NOT down and locked?

Please select 2 correct answers

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The FASTEN SEAT BELTS signs are not illuminated for which of the following when the switch is positioned to AUTO?

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How long does the oxygen system inside the crew rest area provide oxygen?

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Which one of the following lights is not controlled by the MASTER BRIGHTNESS switch?

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The overhead crew rest area should be occupied when the amber SUPPLY AIRFLOW OFF light is illuminated.

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The masks automatically drop from the PSUs if cabin altitude exceeds approximately 14,000 feet.

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The masks automatically drop from the PSUs if cabin altitude exceeds approximately 13,500 feet.

Moving the Flight DECK DOOR lock selector to DENY rejects keypad entry request and prevents further emergency access code entry for a time period.

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When does the FASTEN SEAT BELTS sign automatically illuminate?

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What happens if you adjust an individual panel light brightness or display brightness control when the master bright system is ON?

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The Passenger Oxygen system does not provide oxygen to which of the following?

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What position should the UPR DSPL brightness control be selected to for a full range of control with the master bright system?

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What is the required position of individual panel light or display brightness controls for the master bright system to have full range of control?

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Boeing B777 – General