
With the autopilot engaged and LNAV engaged, what will happen if the last active point is passed?

Correct! Wrong!

What switch engages the auto throttle with AT ARM switches in ARM?

Correct! Wrong!

When VS shows in the VS-FPA window, what are the correct steps to make a 2.6 degree FPA descent?

Correct! Wrong!

IAS-MACH Window - During descent, automatically changes from Mach to IAS at _____ KIAS.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the sequence of steps to reduce airspeed with VNAV engaged, using speed intervention?

Correct! Wrong!

Above what altitude can you disengage the approach mode by pushing the APP switch a second time?

Correct! Wrong!

When is TOGA armed?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the sequence of steps to use FLCH to descent to 5000 feet at 240 kts?

Correct! Wrong!

What position should the AP DISENGAGE bar be in during the MCP preflight?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the AUTOPILOT EICAS message mean when an amber line is drawn through the pitch mode of the FMA?

Correct! Wrong!


What does the AUTOPILOT EICAS message mean when an amber line is drawn through the pitch mode on the FMA?

Correct! Wrong!

IAS-MACH Window - During climb, automatically changes from IAS to MACH at ______ Mach.

Correct! Wrong!

Automatic Flight Approach and Landing - Flare is armed when LAND 3 or LAND 2 is annunciated on the PFDs. At approximately 20 feet radio altitude, the autopilots start the flare maneuver. FLARE replaces the GS pitch flight mode annunciation.

Correct! Wrong!

During flare: between 25 and 50 feet radio altitude, the autothrottle begins retarding the thrust levers to idle. The PFD autothrottle annunciation changes from SPD to IDLE. At touchdown, the FLARE annunciation is no longer displayed, and the nose is lowered to the runway.

IAS-MACH Window - When changing from TOGA to VS, FPA, or ALT, the window automatically displays:

Correct! Wrong!

Flight Level Change (FLCH) Switch - When pushed during climb the autothrottle automatically engages in THR mode and the thrust limit is CLB thrust.

Correct! Wrong!

What will a second push of the TOGA switch do during the takeoff above 80 knots, with LNAV and VNAV armed?

Correct! Wrong!

IAS-MACH Window - The selected speed is displayed as the PFD selected speed. Displays 200 knots when power is first applied.

Correct! Wrong!

When is TOGA armed?

Correct! Wrong!

Is the Boeing B777 bank angle limited to 20 degrees when LNAV is engaged and the BANK LIMIT selector is set to the 20 degree position?

Correct! Wrong!

What will the autopilot do if you override the control column?

Correct! Wrong!


What switch resets the auto throttle system and cancels the AUTOTHROTTLE DISC message?

Correct! Wrong!

Automatic Flight Approach and Landing - In the event of moderate or strong crosswinds from the side opposite the failed engine, no wings level sideslip is commanded, since the airplane is already banked into the wind.

Correct! Wrong!

What does the NO LAND 3 EICAS message mean when FLARE and ROLLOUT armed are displayed on the FMA?

Correct! Wrong!

Automatic Flight Approach and Landing - Runway alignment is a submode of the approach mode. With crosswinds, the crab angle is reduced at touchdown. Runway alignment also compensates for a single engine approach. For crosswinds requiring more than ______ degrees of crab angle, runway alignment occurs at _____.

Correct! Wrong!

A sideslip of 5 degrees is established to reduce the crab angle. This configuration is maintained until touchdown. The airplane lands with the upwind wing low.

IAS-MACH Window - The display range is:

Correct! Wrong!

With TRK SEL engaged, what is the correct sequence of steps to turn right to heading 150 degrees using the HDG SEL mode?

Correct! Wrong!

Which AT ARM switch configuration causes the AUTOTHROTTLE R message to display?

Correct! Wrong!

Vertical Speed-Flight Path Angle (VS – FPA) Window - Displays the selected vertical speed in 100 fpm increments or the selected flight path angle in 0.1 degree increments. The display range is:

Correct! Wrong!

Blank when the vertical speed (V/S) or flight path angle (FPA) pitch mode is not engaged. The selected vertical speed is displayed on the PFD vertical speed indication. The selected flight path angle is displayed on the PFD attitude indicator.

What is the sequence of steps to change airspeed with VNAV engaged, using speed intervention?

Correct! Wrong!

An EICAS message is displayed for any fault which limits the capability of the automatic landing system. Aural alerts for EICAS messages not affecting safety of flight are inhibited until after touchdown. Changes in autoland status below 300 feet, other than a transition to NO AUTOLAND status, are inhibited.

Correct! Wrong!

Below 200 feet and not 300 feet.


Which MCP actions are accomplished during preflight?

Correct! Wrong!

What action resets the autopilot system and warning system, and cancels the AUTOPILOT DISC message?

Correct! Wrong!

What happens to bank angle protection if the AP DISENGAGE bar is selected down?

Correct! Wrong!

Automatic Flight Approach and Landing - If an engine fails prior to the approach, the AFDS introduces a sideslip at _____.

Correct! Wrong!

With a LAND 2 indication, the level of redundancy is such that a single fault can cause a significant deviation from the flight path (fail passive).

Correct! Wrong!

With a LAND 2 indication, the level of redundancy is such that a single fault CANNOT cause a significant deviation from the flight path (fail passive).

Is the Boeing B777 bank angle limited to 15 degrees when TRK SEL mode is engaged and the BANK LIMIT selector is set to the 15 degree position?

Correct! Wrong!

IAS-MACH Reference Switch - Alternately changes the IAS-MACH window between IAS and Mach displays.

Correct! Wrong!

Inoperative when the IAS/MACH window is blank.

What is the sequence of steps to use FLCH to climb to FL250 at 280 kts?

Correct! Wrong!

BANK LIMIT Selector (outer) - Sets the AFDS commanded bank limit when in the heading select (HDG SEL) or track select (TRK SEL) roll mode. In AUTO, the bank varies:

Correct! Wrong!

Climb-Continuous (CLB-CON) Thrust Switch - On the ground and below _____ feet during takeoff, the switch is inoperative.

Correct! Wrong!

Boeing B777 – Auto Flight