
The handset PA push-to-talk switch is not required to operate the handset except for PA announcements.

Correct! Wrong!

There are two HF antennas. One for each HF radio.

Correct! Wrong!

Both HF radios use a common antenna. When either HF radio is transmitting, the antenna is disconnected from the other HF radio, and it cannot be used to transmit or receive. However, both HF radios can receive simultaneously if neither is being used for transmitting.

The CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder):

Correct! Wrong!

When tuning a frequency with an HF radio, no tone is heard. What does this indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

Stored frequencies may tune quickly and a tone may not be noticeable.

An incoming SATCOM call is annunciated by:

Correct! Wrong!

Cabin PA announcement priorities are:

Correct! Wrong!

CVR test may fail if crew is speaking when test is initiated. If necessary, the flight shall repeat test:

Correct! Wrong!

HF datalink transmissions are inhibited:

Correct! Wrong!

When an HF transmitter is keyed after a frequency change, the antenna tunes while a continuous or intermittent tone may be heard through the audio system. A tone lasting longer than _____ indicates failure of the system to tune.

Correct! Wrong!

In the event of an electrical power loss:

Correct! Wrong!


Priority calls placed from the cabin while another priority call is in progress will:

Correct! Wrong!

Priority calls automatically disconnect lower priority cabin terphone calls.

In the event a VHF or HF radio transmits for more than _____, the EICAS advisory message RADIO TRANSMIT CAPT, F/O, or OBS is displayed.

Correct! Wrong!

On the ground, any VHF radio that transmits for more than approximately _____ is automatically disabled.

Correct! Wrong!

Several seconds before disablement, an intermittent tone can be heard through the audio system for that radio. That radio is enabled when the microphone switch for that radio is released.

When dashes are displayed in a text entry field on the MFD, this indicates:

Correct! Wrong!

CAB and SAT may be selected at the same time for cabin to SATCOM conferencing.

Correct! Wrong!

With both CAB and SAT transmitter select switches active on the same ACP, a SATCOM conference is established between the cabin crew and ground station. The conferencing ACP is unusable by the flight crew for other communications while cabin / SATCOM conference is in progress.

Which radios can be used for data communication?

Correct! Wrong!

VHF L is configured for voice communication only.

The flight interphone, service interphone, and passenger address systems are normally operated through the audio select panel. The cabin interphone is operated through the TCP or the flight deck handset.

Correct! Wrong!

If an ATC uplink containing a VHF frequency is accepted, the uplink frequency is displayed in the scratchpad preceded by a UL indicator.

Correct! Wrong!

Line selecting this frequency into the active, standby or a stored position clears the scratchpad. It also turns the uplink frequency green in the uplink data block.

Call queue priority is as follows:

Correct! Wrong!

A communication Crew Alert categorized as "LOW" is indicated by:

Correct! Wrong!


The PA system can also be selected through the cabin interphone system or the flight deck handset.

Correct! Wrong!

If the EICAS advisory message DATALINK LOST is displayed for _____, the ATC connection is automatically lost and the COMM system message ATC DATALINK LOST is displayed.

Correct! Wrong!

Once an ATC connection is terminated or lost, the logon entries revert to the default values.

How many frequencies can be stored on VHF pages 2, 3 and 4?

Correct! Wrong!

When is the oxygen mask microphone enabled?

Correct! Wrong!

The boom microphone is enabled when the left oxygen mask stowage box door is closed and the RESET/TEST lever is pushed.