Antenna switching from tail antenna to nose antenna occurs when:
When a localizer frequency is selected, VHF NAV radios automatically switch from tail antenna to nose antenna when VOR/LOC is annunciated (armed or engaged). If antenna switching does not occur, LOC mode is inhibited.
When flying on a geometrical path with VNAV engaged you push SPD INTV. What will happen?
VNAV mode is terminated by any one of the following:
In the event of glideslope intercept waypoint transition, VNAV can be re-engaged.
One VHF NAV receiver must be tuned to an ILS frequency before the approach mode can be selected. For a dual AP approach, the second VHF NAV receiver must be tuned to the ILS frequency and the corresponding AP engaged in CMD prior to _____.
What is the minimum Mach number that can be selected in the IAS/MACH display of the MCP panel?
Dual channel autopilot operation is possible only when two generators are powering the busses.
If an engine fails while the autothrottle is in N1 mode, the thrust lever of the failed engine:
How many independent Flight Control Computers (FCCs) are there in the AFDS?
The white AT LIM symbol appears on the upper display unit. What is the correct statement?
Two independent radio altimeters provide radio altitude to the respective FCCs. With a radio altimeter inoperative, the autopilot will disconnect ____ after LOC and GS capture.
When performing an autopilot ILS approach, the glide slope can be technically captured from above or below:
When the pitch mode changes from VNAV SPD to ALT ACQ during an intermediate level off, the autothrottle will command a target IAS rather than Mach number.
The Autothrottle is engaged in FMC speed mode. What is displayed in the IAS/MACH display of the MCP?
With the AT Arm switch at ARM, the AT go–around mode is armed:
What pitch mode is annunciated after takeoff when the autopilot is first engaged in CMD?
Normally, N1 limits and target N1 values are provided to the autothrottle by the:
The aircraft is climbing with the autopilot in CMD and the pilot pushes the control column forward. The autopilot will:
If the MCP selected Altitude is changed during ALT ACQ mode:
Localizer can be intercepted in HDG SEL, LNAV, or CWS R.
If thrust levers become separated more than 10 degrees during a dual channel approach (before FLARE armed is annunciated), the autothrottle is then disengaged.
This is true but after FLARE armed is annunciated
A takeoff is commenced with both Flight Directors selected OFF. At 100 knots IAS a TOGA switch is pressed. What will happen to the F/D ?
A mode change highlight symbol (rectangle) is drawn around each pitch, roll, autopilot status, and thrust engaged mode annunciation for a period of _____ after each engagement.
The mode change highlight symbol for CWS Mode annunciations (CWS R and CWS P) will flash for 10 seconds when CWS mode engages.
The Control wheel force required to override the Autopilot COMMAND mode is:
When in ALT HOLD at FL80 you change the barometric setting from STD to QNH 1030 (3041 In.Hg). What will the aircraft do?
During a dual channel autopilot approach, the Autopilot Disengage light illuminates steady red when below 800 feet. What does this indicate?
When one of the placard limit reversions (gear, flap or Vmo/Mmo) is reached, the overspeed limiting symbol appears in the MCP IAS Mach display.
The Flight Director Comparator monitors:
After a normal takeoff which pitch command can you expect?
As you push the TOGA switch for an automatic go-around, what is the correct FMA in terms of Thrust mode - Roll mode - Pitch mode?
Moving the autopilot Stabilizer Trim Cutout Switch to the CUTOUT position will disengage the autopilot.
With VNAV engaged, the AFDS (Autopilot Flight Director System) pitch and AT modes are commanded by the:
Minimum speed reversion is also available when the Autothrottle is OFF and the AFDS is in ALT HOLD or after GS capture.
Minimum speed reversion is NOT available in that case.
What happens with the IAS/MACH display on the MCP if SPD INTV is pushed during VNAV operations?
Bank angle is limited to 8 degrees below 400 feet, and _____ above 400 feet AGL.
LNAV arming criteria on the ground:
LNAV guidance becomes active at 50 feet AGL
Pushing a CWS engage switch engages the autopilot pitch and roll axes in the CWS mode and displays CWS P and CWS R on the FMAs. The autopilot maneuvers the airplane in response to control pressures applied by either pilot. The control pressure is similar to that required for manual flight. If aileron pressure is released with 6 degrees or less bank, the autopilot rolls the wings level and holds existing heading. The heading hold feature with bank less than 6 degrees is inhibited when:
if an engine failure occurs on the ground, the pitch command target speed at lift-off is _____, whichever is greater.
Above _____, selection of another pitch mode or engaging an autopilot will terminate the takeoff mode.
During a single engine FD go-around, the FD pitch commands ____ degrees nose up. As climb rate increases, FD pitch commands maintain a target speed.
The AUTOLAND warning light is armed during dual ILS AP approach below ____ feet.
When operating in 'ALT HOLD', the V/S mode is ARMED if the MCP altitude is changed by more than:
After takeoff, the autopilot is engaged before flaps up. What is the correct mode (Thrust mode / Roll mode / Pitch mode) being displayed on the FMA?
For dual autopilot operation, both VHF NAV receivers must be tuned to the ILS frequency and both autopilots must be selected in CMD prior to _____
If engaged the autothrottle will disengage ____ after landing touchdown.
The following annunciation provide the flight crew with autoland system mode and status:
The conditions for engaging the flight director in go-around mode are:
Dual channel AP operation is possible ONLY when two generators are powering the busses.
Which of the following occurs when a TOGA switch is pressed below 2000 feet RA for a flight director go-around from a single autopilot ILS approach?
Which Autothrottle modes permit manual thrust change without Autothrottle interference?
After localizer or glideslope capture, during a single channel autopilot approach, CWS can be engaged by manually overriding pitch and or roll control forces.
After localizer or glideslope capture, during a single channel autopilot approach, CWS cannot be engaged by manually overriding pitch and/or roll control forces.
If windshear is encountered during FD takeoff or go-around, the FD pitch command bar provides commands to maintain V2+20 kts until vertical speed decreases to approximately:
As climb rate increases above approximately 600 fpm, the FD commands pitch attitudes which result in acceleration back to V2 + 20 kt.
Maximum and minimum glideslope angles for autoland are 3.25 degrees and 2.5 degrees respectively.
During a reduced thrust takeoff, a second press of the TOGA switch below 800 feet above field elevation will change the thrust limit mode to GA and N1 reference bugs to increase to full GA thrust, thrust levers will not be in motion.
A second press of the TOGA switch above 800 feet above field elevation, thrust levers advance toward full GA thrust.
The Automatic Flight System (AFS) consists of:
Trimming the stabilizer with the electrical trim switch on the control wheel does not disengages the autopilot.
It does!
VS mode automatically engages if ALT ACQ mode is engaged and a new MCP altitude is selected which is more than _____ different from previously selected altitude.
The autopilot is engaged in ALT HOLD mode. The control column is then pushed, causing the autopilot to engage in CWS P mode. After the aircraft has descended 150 feet from the initial altitude the force applied to the control column is released and:
The AT Disengage flashing light (amber) indicates an airspeed error under the following conditions: inflight, flaps not up and airspeed differs from commanded value by _______ and is not approaching commanded value.
In the 'ARM' autothrottle mode, the thrust lever autothrottle servos maintain thrust at the selected N1 limit displayed on the thrust mode display.
ARM mode = No autothrottle mode engaged. The thrust lever autothrottle servos are inhibited. The pilot can set thrust levers manually.
LNAV mode terminates whenever:
When a conflict occurs between the VNAV profile and the MCP altitude, the airplane levels and the pitch flight mode annunciation becomes:
VNAV ALT maintains altitude.
The LOC capture point is variable and depends on intercept angle and rate of closure. Capture occurs no later than _____. Upon LOC capture, VOR LOC annunciates captured, SINGLE CH is annunciated for AP status, the previous roll mode disengages and the airplane turns to track the LOC.
Automatic Flight Approach and Landing - If FLARE is not armed by approximately _____, both autopilots automatically disengage.
The underspeed symbol in the MCP Speed window is a:
You are established on the ILS at 3000 ft and inadvertently press TOGA once. What will happen?
When control wheel pressure is released during CWS roll operation, the airplane will roll wings level when the bank angle is:
The autopilot flare maneuver starts at approximately ____ feet RA and is completed at touchdown.
FLARE engaged is annunciated and FD command bars retract.
During a single FD go-around, with a push of either TOGA switch:
The Roll Engaged Mode annunciation on the FMA is blank.
Each autopilot can be engaged by pushing a separate CMD or CWS engage switch. Autopilot engagement in CMD or CWS is inhibited unless the below conditions are met:
During a dual channel go-around, the MCP IAS/Mach display will:
The AUTOLAND warning light flashed RED if:
During Autopilot CWS operation above 1500 feet RA, if the roll control force is released with less than 6 degrees of bank, the autopilot will:
If the autopilot is engaged and either pilot's control wheel Trim Switch is activated:
What is the true statement about the Stabilizer Out Of Trim (STAB OUT OF TRIM) light?
the illuminated (amber) light means that the autopilot is not trimming stabilizer properly.
If the autopilot ALT HOLD mode is manually overriden with control column pressure, which of the following will occur?
If pitch is manually overridden while in ALT HOLD and control force is released within 250 feet of selected altitude, AP pitch mode engages in ALT ACQ and returns to selected altitude in ALT HOLD mode.
With an active route entered in FMC, LNAV engages within _____ with any airplane heading.
Outside of 3 NM, airplane must be on intercept course of 90 degrees or less (intercept route segment before active waypoint).