
When the manual extension access door is open:

Correct! Wrong!

The alternate brake system is powered by:

Correct! Wrong!

If a landing is made with RTO selected:

Correct! Wrong!

The precharge pressure in the brake accumulator is:

Correct! Wrong!

The parking brake can be set with only B hydraulic system pressurized.

Correct! Wrong!

The parking brake can be set with either A or B hydraulic systems pressurized. If A and B hydraulic systems are not pressurized, parking brake pressure is maintained by the brake accumulator. Accumulator pressure is shown on the HYD BRAKE PRESS indicator.

The accumulator isolation valve is closed by:

Correct! Wrong!

Hydraulic pressure is removed from the landing gear system after 5 minutes with the LANDING GEAR lever in the OFF position.

Correct! Wrong!

There is no countdown. The hydraulic pressure is removed immediately with the LANDING GEAR lever in the OFF position.

Hydraulic system pressure from System B will be used to retract the landing gear:

Correct! Wrong!

With Flap 25 selected and the gear not down and locked, both Forward Thrust Levers are retarded to below approximately 10 degrees thrust lever angle. The gear warning horn sounds and:

Correct! Wrong!

Fittings located in the opening of each main gear well:

Correct! Wrong!


Positioning the landing gear control lever to down makes system A hydraulic pressure available to the steering metering valve. Alternate nose wheel steering can be activated to provide system B pressure to the nose wheels when the NOSE WHEEL STEERING switch is placed to ALT, normal quantity is in the system B reservoir, and the airplane is on the ground.

Correct! Wrong!

The alternate anti-skid system has:

Correct! Wrong!

The nose wheel doors go from the open to the close position when the gear is down.

Correct! Wrong!

The nose wheel doors remain open when the gear is down.

The parking brake is released by depressing the pedals until the PARKING BRAKE lever releases. A fault in the parking brake system may cause the ANTISKID INOP light to illuminate.

Correct! Wrong!

What could cause the amber ANTISKID INOP light to illuminate?

Correct! Wrong!

Which statement is true?

Correct! Wrong!

Is autobrake available with alternate brakes?

Correct! Wrong!

If the landing gear cannot be raised after takeoff:

Correct! Wrong!

If the nose gear lockout pin is not installed

Correct! Wrong!

Which pressure is indicated by the Hydraulic Brake Pressure Indicator?

Correct! Wrong!


During alternate brake system operation, the following protection is provided:

Correct! Wrong!

Both normal and alternate brake systems provide skid, locked wheel, touchdown and hydroplane protection.

With RTO selected, if the takeoff is rejected prior to wheel speed reaching _____ autobraking is not initiated, the AUTO BRAKE DISARM light does not illuminate and the RTO autobrake function remains armed.

Correct! Wrong!

If the takeoff is rejected after reaching a wheel speed of 90 knots, maximum braking is applied automatically when the forward thrust levers are retarded to IDLE.

What happens if you reject a takeoff after reaching 90 knots with the autobrakes in RTO?

Correct! Wrong!

During landing gear retraction:

Correct! Wrong!

While the landing gear is being extended manually, the landing gear lever must be selected to:

Correct! Wrong!

Hydraulic pressure from System B will be used to raise the landing gear:

Correct! Wrong!

What is the maximum airspeed to retract the gear?

Correct! Wrong!

During taxi before takeoff, the amber AUTO BRAKE DISARM light illuminates. What should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

Landing autobrake settings may be selected after touchdown prior to decelerating through _____. Braking initiates immediately if both forward thrust levers are retarded to IDLE and the main wheels spin-up.

Correct! Wrong!

When the NOSE WHEEL STEERING switch is in ALT position:

Correct! Wrong!


What airspeed must be considered with a wheel well fire situation?

Correct! Wrong!

After landing, autobrake application begins when both forward thrust levers are retarded to IDLE and Nose wheel and main wheels spin up.

Correct! Wrong!

The Nose wheel has no input.

The brake pressure accumulator also provides pressure to maintain the parking brake when hydraulic system A and B are depressurized.

Correct! Wrong!

The air-ground system receives air-ground logic signals from:

Correct! Wrong!

In flight and ground operation of various airplane systems are controlled by the air/ground system. These signals are used to configure the airplane systems to the appropriate air or ground status.

Landing Gear Indicator Lights - What does this indication mean?

Correct! Wrong!

If a main landing gear tire is damaged during takeoff, it is possible that braking of the main gear wheels during retraction may be affected. A spinning tire with a loose tread must be stopped prior to entering the wheel well or it can cause damage to wheel well components. When a spinning tire with loose tread impacts a fitting in the wheel well ring opening, that gear stops retracting and free falls back to the down position.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the maximum Operating airspeed with the gear extended?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not part of the braking system?

Correct! Wrong!

Hydraulic pressure is removed from the landing gear system with the LANDING GEAR lever in the UP position.

Correct! Wrong!

The hydraulic pressure is removed with the LANDING GEAR lever in the OFF position!

The landing gear indicator lights found on the center panel will illuminate red when:

Correct! Wrong!


The HYD Brake Pressure indicator reads zero, but both hydraulic system pressures are normal.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the minimum preflight pressure for the brake accumulator?

Correct! Wrong!

If the thrust levers are advanced after touchdown:

Correct! Wrong!

Landing autobrake settings may be selected after touchdown:

Correct! Wrong!

What is the steering authority for the rudder pedals?

Correct! Wrong!

The autobrake system performs a self-test at initial AC power application. If the self test is not successful, the AUTO BRAKE DISARM light illuminates and the system does not work.

Correct! Wrong!

The brake accumulator is pressurized by hydraulic system A. If both normal and alternate brake system pressure is lost, trapped hydraulic pressure in the brake accumulator can still provide several braking applications or parking brake application.

Correct! Wrong!

The brake accumulator is pressurized by hydraulic system B.

The alternate brake source selector valve:

Correct! Wrong!

What system normally provides hydraulic pressure for Nose Wheel Steering?

Correct! Wrong!

If a landing is made with RTO selected:

Correct! Wrong!


Antiskid protection is available even with loss of both hydraulic systems.

Correct! Wrong!

Antiskid system protection is provided during autobrake operation.

Boeing 737 MAX – Landing Gear