
Passing 3000 feet climbing, you have selected Engine Anti-Ice ON. Passing FL90, you select them OFF.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the maximum airspeed limit when WINDOW HEAT is inoperative?

Correct! Wrong!

Power to window numbers 1 and 2 must be initially selected OFF by the flight crew if an overheat condition is detected.

Correct! Wrong!

Power to window numbers 1 and 2 is automatically removed if an overheat condition is detected.

When are the ENGINE ANTI-ICE switches turned ON if icing conditions exist on ground?

Correct! Wrong!

When operating on standby power, only the captain's pitot probe is heated, however, the CAPT PITOT light does not illuminate for a failure.

Correct! Wrong!

What happens when the WING ANTI-ICE switch is placed ON while in flight?

Correct! Wrong!

You select the engine anti-ice valve to the ON position. The COWL VALVE OPEN light is illuminated blue and the TAI indication illuminates on the CDS. What happened?

Correct! Wrong!

Windshield wipers of are provided to maintain a clear area on the cockpit No.1 windows. Which of the following statements is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

With the WING ANTI-ICE switch ON and the aircraft on the ground, the WING ANTI-ICE switch remains ON regardless of the control valve position.

Correct! Wrong!

If you select the WING ANTI-ICE switch on the ground:

Correct! Wrong!


Does the availability of bleed air for engine anti-ice require that the engine bleed air switch be ON?

Correct! Wrong!

The engine Cowl Anti-Ice valve is located UPSTREAM of the Engine Bleed Air Valve.

Correct! Wrong!

What do the green ON lights indicate above the Window heat switches?

Correct! Wrong!

The aircraft is on the ground. You place the WING ANTI-ICE switch to ON. Which conditions will allow the wing anti-ice valve to open?

Correct! Wrong!

Positioning the WING ANTI-ICE switch to ON in flight:

Correct! Wrong!

When operating on standby power only the Captain's pitot probe is still heated - if the Captain's pitot probe heating fails in this condition, there is no CAPT PITOT alert given.

Correct! Wrong!

The cowl anti-ice valve is _________ controlled and _______ operated.

Correct! Wrong!

Both windshield wipers are controlled with a common switch.

Correct! Wrong!

Temperature controllers maintain the correct temperature on windows No. 1 and 2. In the event of an overheat, power is automatically removed.

Correct! Wrong!

The rain removal system for the forward windows comprises of the following:

Correct! Wrong!


The wing anti-ice system provides bleed air to all leading edge slats:

Correct! Wrong!

The wing anti-ice system provides protection for the three inboard leading edge slats by using bleed air. The wing anti-ice does not include the leading edge flaps or the outboard leading edge flaps.

A conductive coating on the outer glass pane of window numbers 1 and 2 permits electrical heating to prevent ice build-up and fogging. Window number 3 is not electrically heated.

Correct! Wrong!

Illumination of an amber COWL ANTI ICE light indicates:

Correct! Wrong!

On the ground and in flight, the wing anti-ice valves close if the forward thrust levers are advanced above the takeoff warning setting.

Correct! Wrong!

The amber COWL ANTI-ICE is illuminated.

Correct! Wrong!

When operating on standby power, only the captain's pitot probe is heated, however, the CAPT PITOT light does not illuminate for a failure.

Correct! Wrong!

Which window(s) are heated with the LEFT FWD WINDOW HEAT Switch ON?

Correct! Wrong!

The wing anti-ice control valves are:

Correct! Wrong!

The pitot probe for standby airspeed continues to be heated when the airplane is on standby power.

Correct! Wrong!

The pitot probe for standby airspeed is not heated when the airplane is on standby power.

The OVHT test will cause all overheat lights to come on and the ON lights will eventually go out. How does a pitot reinstate the Window heat after performing an Overheat test?

Correct! Wrong!


Positioning ENG ANTI-ICE switch to on has what effect?

Correct! Wrong!

The window heat PWR TEST:

Correct! Wrong!

Illumination of the amber ENGINE ANTI-ICE caption indicates that:

Correct! Wrong!

If the cowl anti-ice valve fails to move to the position indicated by the ENG ANTI-ICE switch, the COWL VALVE OPEN light remains illuminated bright blue and an amber TAI indication immediately illuminates on the CDS.

Correct! Wrong!

The R ELEV PITOT light is illuminated. What does this indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

Stall warning logic, airspeed indications, and minimum maneuver speeds on the airspeed indicator return to normal when engine anti-ice is positioned OFF if wing anti-ice has not been used in flight.

Correct! Wrong!

The WING ANTI-ICE switch automatically trips OFF:

Correct! Wrong!

Dual angle-airflow sensors (alpha vanes) provide angle-of-attack information to the stall warning system, autothrottle, autopilot and autoslats and are anti iced:

Correct! Wrong!

What maintains the correct temperature on windows No. 4 and 5?

Correct! Wrong!

Which portion of the wings does the wing anti-ice system heat?

Correct! Wrong!


Which pitot probes and static ports are not heated?

Correct! Wrong!

Boeing 737 MAX - Anti Ice and Rain