
Autobrake cannot be armed with the parking brake on.

Correct! Wrong!

Autobrake may be armed with the parking brake on.

If GREEN hydraulic pressure is not available:

Correct! Wrong!

Which hydraulic system supplies the landing gear normal operation?

Correct! Wrong!

When depressing the RUDDER PEDAL DISC p/b on a steering handwheel:

Correct! Wrong!

In the event of an aborted takeoff with autobrake armed, automatic braking is initiated:

Correct! Wrong!

The purpose of the RESET position on the LDG GEAR GRVTY EXTN panel is to:

Correct! Wrong!

With the A/SKID and N/W STRG switch set to OFF:

Correct! Wrong!

The RED ARROW on the LDG GEAR SELECTOR LEVER Panel illuminates:

Correct! Wrong!

Autobrake system is desarmed by:

Correct! Wrong!

The two-wheel nose gear comprises an oleopneumatic shock strut and a nosewheel steering system. It retracts backwards into the fuselage.

Correct! Wrong!

The two-wheel nose gear retracts forward into the fuselage.


Nose wheel steering is provided by two actuators, powered by the green hydraulic system and electrically-signalled by the Brake and Steering Control Unit (BSCU). To control the steering the BSCU receives inputs from:

Correct! Wrong!

The BSCU has two independent systems. Only one is active at a time, while the other is on standby.

If landing gear gravity extension is performed, which of the following statement is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

The steering handwheels control the nosewheel steering angle up to _____ in either direction.

Correct! Wrong!

Parking brake requires:

Correct! Wrong!

After a free fall extension, it is possible to restore normal operation, provided green hydraulic pressure is available.

Correct! Wrong!

During gear door opening and closure, main and center (for A340-500 and 600 only) landing gear wheels are automatically braked by the normal braking system.

Correct! Wrong!

For A340-500 and 600 only, landing gear wheels are automatically braked by the normal braking system but only during gear door opening.

What does this indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

The purpose of the Antiskid is to :

Correct! Wrong!

If one UNLK indication remains on at gear extension, the landing gear position can be confirmed using the WHEEL SD page (information from LGCIU 1 and 2): only one green triangle on each landing gear is sufficient to confirm that the landing gear is downlocked.

Correct! Wrong!

During landing, Nose Wheel Steering is available on ground:

Correct! Wrong!


In case of GREEN hydraulic system loss:

Correct! Wrong!

A green arc overhead wheel temperature on ECAM "WHEEL" page indicates:

Correct! Wrong!

In case of one LGCIU (Landing Gear Control and Indicator Unit) failure, is the landing gear system affected?

Correct! Wrong!

When the landing gear lever is down, one LGCIU locked down indication (one green triangle per gear) is sufficient to indicate that the landing gear is down and locked.

Correct! Wrong!

The Brakes and Steering Control Unit (BSCU) enables:

Correct! Wrong!

If Brake and Steering Control Unit (BSCU) channel 1 and 2 are inoperative:

Correct! Wrong!

Inputs to the Nose Wheel Steering are available from:

Correct! Wrong!

If both pilots turn their steering handwheels at the same time:

Correct! Wrong!

Engines are running but BLUE HYD pressure or BLUE HYD ACCU PRESS pressure are not available. Which braking modes are still operative after having set Park Brake Selector to "ON"?

Correct! Wrong!

For A340-200 and 300 aircraft, the center landing gear may be inhibited by ground maintenance action. Therefore, it will be mechanically-fixed in the uplock position while doors will continue to operate during the landing gear retract/extend sequence.

Correct! Wrong!


Alternate braking mode with Antiskid is available:

Correct! Wrong!

What does an ECAM memo N/W STRG DISC mean?

Correct! Wrong!

IAS is 290 kt - L/G Lever is set to "Down" position:

Correct! Wrong!

All gears and doors are hydraulically-actuated by the green hydraulic system. Hydraulic supply is automatically isolated by closing a safety valve above 280 kt. It is maintained closed until the landing gear lever is moved to the DOWN position and the aircraft speed decreases below 280 kt.

What does this indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

The crew may arm the Autobrake system provided all following conditions are met:

Correct! Wrong!

Antiskid is available:

Correct! Wrong!

There are two braking systems available, the normal and the alternate system:

Correct! Wrong!

Informations on LDG GEAR INDICATOR Panel are provided by:

Correct! Wrong!

Airbus A340 – Landing Gear