
The FADEC will automatically command the reverse to stow, if at least one door is unstowed and reverse thrust is not selected while the engine is running.

Correct! Wrong!

Auto restow is totally inhibited in flight, and on ground, with N1 greater than 70 %.

The FADEC is normally powered by:

Correct! Wrong!

The system has a magnetic alternator for an internal power source. FADEC is mounted on the fan case.

The FADEC manages ____ idle modes.

Correct! Wrong!

When Alpha floor is activated, what power setting is automatically commanded and what FMA annunciation would appear in Column one?

Correct! Wrong!

The EGT limit appears when a takeoff or a go-around mode is selected, or when the thrust reversers are selected, or if the alpha floor protection is activated.

Correct! Wrong!

The EGT limit does NOT appear when a takeoff or a go-around mode is selected, or when the thrust reversers are selected, or if the alpha floor protection is activated.

Auto Thrust System - When are the throttles in the engagement range?

Correct! Wrong!

For manual starts, the FADEC has very limited authority to abort a start. The sole case is when on the ground and a start EGT exceedance occurs before 50% N2. In all other cases, it is the pilot's responsibility to interrupt the start sequence by either deselecting the manual start button or turning the engine master switch off as appropriate.

Correct! Wrong!

How many FADECs are installed on the aircraft?

Correct! Wrong!

A/THR engagement is confirmed when A/THR is displayed in _____ in the right column of the FMA.

Correct! Wrong!

The FADEC system is self-powered:

Correct! Wrong!


The Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) controls:

Correct! Wrong!

During a manual start, how is the start valve opened?

Correct! Wrong!

If the thrust lever is set between two detents, the FADEC selects the rating limit corresponding to the:

Correct! Wrong!

During the automatic start sequence of ENG 2, you notice that only igniter B is powered. Is it normal?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the difference between variable thrust and the speed mode?

Correct! Wrong!

The EGT red line appears between the EGT red limit and the end of the scale. The EGT red limit is:

Correct! Wrong!

The FADEC will automatically abort an abnormal start thereby providing engine limit protection, but will the FADEC also automatically dry crank the engine?

Correct! Wrong!

The ignition system is for engine starting on the ground and restarting in flight. It consists of two identical independent circuits for each engine, normally controlled by the FADEC channel A and channel B. Each FADEC channel can control both igniters.

Correct! Wrong!

What does the FLEX represent in the FLX/MCT detent?

Correct! Wrong!

For reverser actuation, the left engine uses ____ hydraulic system pressure and the right engine uses ____ hydraulic system pressure.

Correct! Wrong!


What is Alpha floor protection?

Correct! Wrong!

Data for the FADECs is directly sourced from the ADIRS, engine sensors and thrust levers. All other required data is amalgamated and supplied by an Engine Interface Unit (EIU).

Correct! Wrong!

Which steps of a manual start are being taken care of by the FADEC?

Correct! Wrong!

During a manual start, what function does the FADEC perform?

Correct! Wrong!

When does oil quantity indication begin to pulse?

Correct! Wrong!

There is no reverse idle detent. When the pilot moves the lever out of the idle stop by pulling up the reverse lever on the front of the thrust lever, he selects reverse idle.

Correct! Wrong!

You are at the start of a descent and a blue N1 arc is displayed showing the new thrust demand. When does this happen?

Correct! Wrong!

Is it possible to disconnect Alpha floor?

Correct! Wrong!

If an A/THR disconnect switch is pushed and held for more than _____, the A/THR system is disconnected for the reminder of the flight. This includes the Alpha floor protection.

Correct! Wrong!

A/THR - Holding the instinctive disconnect pb for more than 15 seconds will:

Correct! Wrong!


Can the engines be overboosted in the TOGA position?

Correct! Wrong!

Verification that Autothrust (A/THR) is active can be made by:

Correct! Wrong!

For automatic starts, the FADEC opens the HP fuel valve at _____. For manual starts, the HP fuel valve opens when the engine master switch is turned on.

Correct! Wrong!

For an inflight start, the FADEC decides whether the engine is windmilling fast enough or needs assistance from the starter in view of current engine parameters and flight environment parameters.

Correct! Wrong!

Thrust reverser system – Each pivoting door moves independently but the doors are synchronized.

Correct! Wrong!

Each pivoting door moves independently (the doors are NOT synchronized). The total actuation time is less than two seconds.

In normal operation, autothrust is available when the thrust levers are in the range between the idle stop and CLB detent.

Correct! Wrong!

During an automatic starting, the FADEC detects a hot start, a hung start, or a stall, but the "no light up" is not monitored.

Correct! Wrong!

The FADEC detects a hot start, a hung start, a stall, or no light up.

You are in the middle of a manual engine start. What are you looking for when you select ENG MASTER 2 ON?

Correct! Wrong!

What does this indication mean ?

Correct! Wrong!

During an engine start sequence, the gray background on N2 disappears at about 57%. What does this indicate?

Correct! Wrong!


Does the FADEC provide EGT limit protection constantly?

Correct! Wrong!

When an engine out condition is detected, autothrust is available between the idle stop and MCT/FLX detent.

Correct! Wrong!

A few seconds after selecting reverse, the amber REV indication changes to green. What does this mean?

Correct! Wrong!

If the thrust levers are set in the idle detent, is Alpha floor protection still available?

Correct! Wrong!

While flying the airplane with A/THR active, the speed knob is pulled and turned to a selected speed that happens to be slower than Alpha prot. What speed will the airplane slow to?

Correct! Wrong!

The A/THR is armed on the ground provided at least one FD (Flight Director) is on by:

Correct! Wrong!

When the A/THR system is in use:

Correct! Wrong!

Thrust reduction must not exceed 25 % of the full rated takeoff thrust. To meet this requirement, the flexible temperature must not be higher than ISA +60 °C(T MAX FLEX).

Correct! Wrong!

If a throttle is set between two detents, the FADEC selects the rating limit:

Correct! Wrong!

The idle setting on the aircraft is capable of modulating due to certain conditions. During descent, what might cause the IDLE N1 setting to increase?

Correct! Wrong!


The FADEC prevents the thrust from exceeding the limit for the thrust lever position in automatic mode only.

Correct! Wrong!

The FADEC prevents the thrust from exceeding the limit for the thrust lever position in both manual and automatic modes.

What is considered to be the active range of the A/THR system?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you arm the A/THR in flight?

Correct! Wrong!

During engine start the amber FAULT light on the ENG MASTER panel illuminates. What does this indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

During an automatic start, the FADEC controls:

Correct! Wrong!

If the automatic start fails, the FADEC energizes both igniters at the same time during the second attempt at an engine start.

Correct! Wrong!

What would happen during the takeoff roll if the thrust levers were set to the FLX/MCT detent without FLEX temperature being entered?

Correct! Wrong!

Using manual thrust, the thrust lever position will determine the thrust setting for the engine.

Correct! Wrong!

What is required for the FADEC to compute a reduced thrust setting?

Correct! Wrong!

How many thrust lever positions are there, and how are they labeled?

Correct! Wrong!


Is there any mechanical linkage between the thrust levers and the engines?

Correct! Wrong!

Oil pressure and temperature are monitored upstream of the oil filter.

Correct! Wrong!

Oil pressure and temperature are monitored downstream of the oil filter.

After takeoff the A/THR will not become active until:

Correct! Wrong!

Maximum reverse should not be used below _____. Idle reverse is permitted down to aircraft stop.

Correct! Wrong!

During normal operation, in what detent are the thrust levers positioned once the thrust reduction altitude has been reached?

Correct! Wrong!

Is any thrust lever action required if an engine failed at rotation while using FLEX takeoff power?

Correct! Wrong!

If fuel flow data is lost for more than _____, the last two digits are dashed.

Correct! Wrong!

In flight, both igniters are supplied, when the ENG MASTER sw is ON.

Correct! Wrong!

Alpha floor protection is available:

Correct! Wrong!

Continuous ignition is provided automatically when:

Correct! Wrong!


IGNITION FOR STARTING – On the ground, the ignition comes on automatically when N2 reaches _____ and cuts off automatically when N2 reaches _____.

Correct! Wrong!

The left column, first line of the FMA is used to indicate:

Correct! Wrong!

The thrust levers can only be moved manually. There are 3 detents and 2 stops on the thrust quadrant.

Correct! Wrong!

There are 2 detents and 3 stops on the thrust quadrant. These are the TOGA stop, MCT/FLX detent, CL detent, Idle stop and Max reverse stop.

Airbus A320 – Engines