
The audio management system allows the flight crew to use:

Correct! Wrong!

Is STBY/NAV tuning possible on RMP 3?

Correct! Wrong!

Pressing the NAV key on RMP3 has no effect.

Only the last 60 minutes of CVR recording are retained.

Correct! Wrong!

Only the last 2 h of recording are retained.

On the ground, the flight crew can energize the CVR manually by pressing the GND CTL pushbutton.

Correct! Wrong!

The BFO key enables the beat frequency oscillator for listening to the ID signal.

Correct! Wrong!

The service interphone has _____ interphone jacks and an OVRD switch located on the overhead panel.

Correct! Wrong!

When the aircraft is in the Emergency Electrical Configuration:

Correct! Wrong!

If you depress the guarded NAV button, the MCDU RAD NAV pages are inhibited and the RMP controls navaid tuning.

Correct! Wrong!

Which ACP transmission key will illuminate if the flight attendants are calling the cockpit?

Correct! Wrong!

If RMP navigation tuning is currently in use for VOR tuning and ATC assigns a new communication frequency, what must be done?

Correct! Wrong!


Pressing the _____ key, on the audio control panel, allows the crew to inhibit the audio navigation signals.

Correct! Wrong!

Some VORs also transmit ATIS information. The voice key on the ACP is an audio notch filter which reduces the level of the 1000Hz ident tones on VORs, so that you can hear the ATIS transmission more clearly.

On the ground, CVR is stopped automatically _____ after the last engine shutdown.

Correct! Wrong!

On the ground, it is stopped automatically 5 min after the last engine shutdown provided the CVR jack is not used.

On RMP, the ON/OFF switch controls:

Correct! Wrong!

What is the function of the Guarded EMER push button on the overhead panel?

Correct! Wrong!

The flight crew receives a SELCAL on VHF 2, what will happen on the ACP?

Correct! Wrong!

Which statement is correct regarding the cockpit voice recorder?

Correct! Wrong!

The CVR is energized automatically:

Correct! Wrong!

With the AUDIO SWITCHING knob in the CAPT3 position, the Captain uses his acoustic equipment on ACP3.

Correct! Wrong!

You can tune the ILS receivers to different channels.

Correct! Wrong!

The AUDIO SWITCHING rotary selector allows replacement of a failed ACP 1 or 2 with ACP 3.

Correct! Wrong!


Which ACP switch configuration is correct for communication with other cockpit crew members while wearing your Oxygen Mask?

Correct! Wrong!

How can you get the mechanics attention when he is outside the aircraft?

Correct! Wrong!

RMP 1 is dedicated to which VHF radios?

Correct! Wrong!

The flashing amber MECH light indicates that the interphone system is faulty.

Correct! Wrong!

Airbus A320 – Communications