Phenom 300 - Flight controls
MFD indications (Flap indication) – What is the true statement if the flap position is displayed in yellow?

MFD indications (Flap indication) - It displays the flap position. If the information is displayed in red:

The speed brake function increases drag and dump lift, providing the airplane the capability of a steeper angle of descent and consequently an increased descent rate. Speed Brake is only available under the following conditions:
If the flap lever is selected and kept in an intermediate position for more than _____, a FLAP FAIL message shows on CAS.
In this case, flaps panels will remain in the last valid position commanded. The lever shall be moved to a new position again to generate a valid command in order to clear the fault.
Pitch Trim Backup Switch (PITCH BKP) – What is the true statement?
The pitch control is provided by hydraulical elevator, electrical elevator's servo tabs, and the movable horizontal stabilizer (pitch trim system).
The pitch control is provided by means of conventional mechanical elevator, elevator's servo tabs, and the movable horizontal stabilizer (pitch trim system).
Steep Approach (optional) - The steep approach procedure allows the airplane to perform approach and landing in airports with glide slope ramp steeper than the usual 3 degrees. In order to do it, the spoiler panels deploy symmetrically to _____ to increase drag and maintain a suitable airspeed.
The spoilers are hydraulically commanded and electrically actuated.
The spoilers are electrically commanded and hydraulically actuated.
When the control wheel is moved counterclockwise only the spoilers on the right wing deploy. When the control wheel is moved clockwise only the spoilers on the left wing deploy.
When the control wheel is moved clockwise only the spoilers on the right wing deploy. When the control wheel is moved counterclockwise only the spoilers on the left wing deploy.
If the yaw trim is failed, there is no alternative mode to trim the airplane at the vertical axis.
Pitch trim indication has only one pitch trim pointer. The pointer moves upwards for airplane nose up trim (pitch up) and downwards for airplane nose down trim (pitch down).
The spoiler panel is deflected only if the control wheel is rotated out of dead band. The dead band angle is the range which any angle commanded by control wheel does not deploy the spoiler panels. The dead band is function of:
The more the control wheel rotates, the more the spoiler deflects.
Pitch Trim Backup Switch (PITCH BKP) - Operation of the switch while the autopilot is engaged will:

Pilot (Left) pitch trim switch actuation has priority over the Copilot (Right) pitch trim switch. It may be necessary to release and press the Pilot pitch trim switch a second time in order to override a copilot pitch trim command.
Rudder control is achieved by two conventional sets of pedal assemblies in the cockpit that command the rudder surface through conventional mechanical accessories and cable circuits. Rudder commands can also be generated by the autopilot or yaw damper, when it is engaged. The rudder commands are transmitted directly to the rear torque tube by:
The roll spoiler adds more roll authority to the airplane, added to the aileron commands. On the roll spoiler function, the spoiler panels deploy asymmetrically to increase the roll capability of the airplane.
The spoiler deflection depends on the control wheel angle and the commanded flap position. When flaps are retracted, the roll spoiler is function of control wheel position, Mach and airspeed.
The Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) can command the primary control surfaces through electromechanical servo actuators interfacing with the primary flight control system components.
The flap control system is designed to actuate six flap surfaces, three per wing. The external flap surfaces are driven by two flap actuators each, while the internal flap surfaces are driven by only one flap actuator each.
The flap control system is designed to actuate four flap surfaces, two per wing. The external flap surfaces are driven by two flap actuators each, while the internal flap surfaces are driven by only one flap actuator each.
Ground spoilers are automatically disarmed when wheel speeds are lower than:
The ground spoilers symmetrically deploy to 35 degrees in approximately 1.2 seconds, when all the three following conditions are met: airplane is on ground, ground spoilers are armed, and both Thrust Levers Angles (TLAs) less than 24 degrees (about halfway between IDLE and CRZ detents).
If the thrust levers are retarded to less than 24 degrees within the first 10 seconds after lift-off, the spoilers may deploy inflight momentarily, and will automatically restow 10 seconds after lift-off, or by advancing the thrust levers above 24 degrees.
MFD indications (Flap indication) - Displays the flap surface position. When the flaps are in transit, the readout is replaced with:
The ground spoilers deploy on ground during landing or rejected takeoff. The spoilers dump lift, increase drag, and improve braking efficiency, thus reducing the stopping distance. The system has a mechanism to prevent the retraction of the spoilers when the airplane bounces on the runway.
Each elevator surface comprises an elevator tab mechanism. The elevator tab surfaces are automatically deflected whenever there is an elevator surface deflection.
The pitch trim scale extends from 0.0 to _____
There is a green takeoff band on the scale extending from 6.3 to 12.6 corresponding to the allowable pitch trim position for takeoff.
In case of thrust asymmetry, the Spring Loaded Rudder Booster (SLRB) System provides an additional force to the pilot in the rudder control system.
In case of an SLRB uncommanded actuation, the aural warning "Rudder Overboost, Rudder Overboost" is provided and the CAS message RUD OVERBOOST (caution) is triggered on display. In this case, the pilot must follow the AFM procedure.
Spoilers indication – What is the meaning of this indication?

Spoilers indication – What is the meaning of this indication?

The elevator system consists of a pair of elevator surfaces attached to the rear spar of the horizontal empennage. The elevator surfaces position ranges from:
The Gust Lock System protects _____ against strong ground wind gusts by locking the primary flight controls.
MFD indications (Flap indication) - It displays the flap position. If the information is lost or out of valid range:
If a failure occurs in the flap control system or an unsafe condition is detected by the Flight Control Electronics (FCE), the flap panel operation is shut down and the CAS message FLAP FAIL is displayed. The system is enabled again only after:
There are four spoiler panels, two in each wing, attached to the rear spar of the wing inboard trailing edge. In each wing, both spoiler panels are commanded by one Power Control Unit (PCU). The PCU retracts to close the respective panels and extend proportionally to open them. The actuation is electrically powered.
The actuation is hydraulically powered. There is a Thermal Relief Valve installed on the retract system of the PCU, which prevents overpressurization of the PCU.
In case of thrust asymmetry, the Spring Loaded Rudder Booster (SLRB) System provides an additional force to the pilot in the rudder control system. The purpose of the mechanism is to introduce a force in the rudder control system, which is done by applying a hinge moment in the rudder rear torque tube. The activation of the mechanism depends on:
Any structural failure of the mechanism or loss of SLRB function causes no further effects on rudder control system other than loss of force assistance to the pilot in case of thrust asymmetry.