G550 - Powerplant


The quick-relight mode is initiated only while the WOW system is in the air mode. If an engine fuel control switch is inadvertently switched to OFF, the engine will shut down. If the mistake is recognized and the fuel control switch is returned to the RUN position within _____ of being shut off, the quick-relight mode of the EEC will activate, both ignitors will be activated, and the engine should relight.

Correct! Wrong!

The low-pressure rotating assembly speed (N1) is sensed directly from the engine. Its signal is used by the EEC for engine control functions displayed on the primary engine parameters, and by the engine vibration monitor unit (EVMU). N1 is measured by _____ individual probes on each engine.

Correct! Wrong!

During the takeoff roll, the autothrottles will enter the HOLD mode at _____ regardless of EPR achieved.

Correct! Wrong!

During a normal engine start, you would expect to see the ignition icons when you:

Correct! Wrong!

During the approach phase the autothrottles will enter the RETARD mode at _____ (gear must be down and locked) and go to idle thrust. They remain engaged through the landing when they automatically disconnect in preparation for the use of reverser thrust.

Correct! Wrong!

The auto-relight mode is initiated automatically by the EEC as a result of:

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In this mode, the EEC energizes both ignition channels and fires both igniters continuously until rpm stabilizes. The auto-relight function continually monitors for engine flameout and subsequent rundown.

The BR 710 configuration is:

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The HP rotating group consists of a ten-stage HP compressor and a two-stage HP turbine. Engine control is achieved by the full authority digital engine control system (FADEC).

The engine oil level check must be made no sooner than 5 minutes after shutdown and no later than _____ after shutdown and serviced as needed.

Correct! Wrong!

Checks and servicing prior to or after the time specified may result in under- or over-servicing and may cause damage to the oil pump system. If the time to oil check exceeds 30 minutes, the engine should be started, run for 10 minutes, shut down and then the oil level check performed from 5 to 30 minutes after shutdown and serviced if needed.

The alternate start mode is selected when the MASTER CRANK switch is placed to ON. In this mode, the EEC cannot command the initiation of ignition. Continuous ignition is manually selected on by the flight crew.

Correct! Wrong!

Both igniters remain energized until deselected after engine start.

An engine oil level check should be made _____ after shutdown.

Correct! Wrong!


The autothrottle system cannot be engaged until the EPR on both engines are _____ or above. They are engaged by pressing either engage/ disengage switch on the back of the power levers. After engagement, the pilot should ensure the AP1 green ICON appears on the PFD.

Correct! Wrong!

The starter duty cycle is three successive periods of 3 minutes maximum continuous operation with a minimum of _____ between each period, followed by a 15 minute starter cool-down period before attempting another start.

Correct! Wrong!

There are two idle settings, high and low. High will be set when:

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The engine cowlings have an upper and lower door that can be opened and supported by built-in support rods for access to the entire engine. The doors can support two average-size people and a tool box.

Correct! Wrong!

Maximum tailwind for engine starting is:

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The flight crew would be alerted to an impending LP fuel filter bypass by a crew alerting message (CAS) at approximately _____ psid, and the filter would bypass at _____psid.

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A green IGN message appears next to the engine indicating (EI) display HP indicators when the ignition system is active. This indication appears automatically during a normal start sequence or upon entering the auto-relight mode. During normal starts, the green IGN icon usually extinguishes at approximately _____ HP rpm.

Correct! Wrong!

The engine oil level is to be checked at this sight glass after the last flight of the day or not to exceed 18 flight hours.

Correct! Wrong!

The engine oil level is to be checked at this sight glass after the last flight of the day or not to exceed 24 flight hours.

Ignition icons will appear in flight when:

Correct! Wrong!

The aircraft can be dispatched with the engines in ALT control.

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The engine idle setting is a function of the FADEC and is variable based on minimum values for:

Correct! Wrong!

An in-flight uncommanded reverser unlock will cause:

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The FADEC uses electrical power from:

Correct! Wrong!

Gulfstream G550 – Powerplant