As a direct descendant of the TBM 850, the TBM 900 is marketed in 2014 as “the fastest single turboprop on the market”. It reaches a cruising speed of 330 kt at FL 280.
With a range of 1,730 nm (3,204 km), the TBM-900 can travel 130 nm (240 km) further than its predecessor on the same amount of fuel.
There some 25 main different modifications between the TBM 850 and the TBM 900. Some of these upgrades include in-house winglets, a new air intake design, a brand new five-blade propeller, and a new sharp strake located under the left wing’s leading edge. This upgrade allowed improvements to stall characteristics. Other aerodynamic performance upgrades included main landing gear doors and changing the contours of the tail cone.
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