The Saab 2000 is a twin-engined high-speed turboprop airliner built by Swedish aircraft manufacturer Saab. It is designed to carry 50–58 passengers and able to cruise at a maximum speed of 370 kt (685 km/h). The Saab 2000 first flew in March 1992 and was certified in 1994. The last aircraft was delivered in April 1999, a total of 63 aircraft being built. As of June 2023, 31 total Saab 2000s were in either airline or military service.


Saab 2000 Water and Waste
Saab 2000 Warning and Cautions
Saab 2000 Recorders
Saab 2000 Powerplant and APU
Saab 2000 Lighting
Saab 2000 Landing Gear
Saab 2000 Ice and Rain Protection
Saab 2000 Hydraulics
Saab 2000 Fuel
Saab 2000 Flight Controls
Saab 2000 Fire Protection
Saab 2000 Electrical
Saab 2000 Avionics
Saab 2000 Autoflight
Saab 2000 Aircraft General
Saab 2000 Air Cond and Press
Saab 2000 Active Noise Control System

    Flight Patterns

    Saab 2000 Visual Approach
    Saab 2000 Takeoff OEI
    Saab 2000 Takeoff
    Saab 2000 Low Circuit
    Saab 2000 Instrument Approach
    Saab 2000 Go Around

      Instructor’s Corner
