Although Embraer is well-known for producing regional jets, the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer has also become famous for its selection of private jets.

The Phenom 100 is seen as an entry-level aircraft and it was first produced in 2008, with continuous improvements provided by Embraer. The Phenom 100EX was updated in 2023 with new avionics, but the third variant called Phenom 100EV (EV standing for evolution) is the only Phenom 100 still in production. The aircraft has a range of 1,178 nm (2190 km) at a cruise speed of 390 kt / Mach 0.70 with 4 passengers.

The Phenom 300 is slightly larger than the Phenom 100 and can seat between six and nine passengers. The upgraded Phenom 300E has a new enhanced autothrottle feature, and engines were upgraded to PW535E. The aircraft has a swept wing larger than that of the Phenom 100, so it can carry more fuel and fly further. This can increase the maximum speed to 453 knots for a 1,971 nm (3,650 km) range. The added winglets make the Phenom 300 more fuel-efficient.



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