The Cessna CitationJet/CJ/M2 (also known as the Model 525) are a series of light business jets built by Cessna, and are part of the Citation family.

The original CitationJet model has been updated into the CJ1/CJ1+/M2 variants. Additionally, the CJ1 was stretched into the CJ2/CJ2+ (5-foot stretch) which was built between 2000 and 2016. The design was then further developed into the CJ3/CJ3+, built since December 2004. The CJ3 can cruise at its Mach 0.737 up to FL450 over 1,900 nm (3,500 km) with four passengers, or more than 2,000 nm (3,700 km) at a slower speed.

Finally, and since 2010, the CJ4 is 21 inches longer than the CJ3 and it has a maximum range of 2,165 nm (4,010 km). Its cabin can seat up to nine people plus one in the cockpit.


Cessna Citation Jet Warning and Test
Cessna Citation Jet Pneumatic
Cessna Citation Jet Oxygen
Cessna Citation Jet Lighting
Cessna Citation Jet Landing Gear and Brakes
Cessna Citation Jet Instrumentation
Cessna Citation Jet Ice and Rain Protection
Cessna Citation Jet Hydraulic
Cessna Citation Jet Fuel
Cessna Citation Jet Flight Controls
Cessna Citation Jet Environmental
Cessna Citation Jet Engines
Cessna Citation Jet Electrical
Cessna Citation Jet Avionics

    Flight Patterns


      Instructor’s Corner
