The Boeing 737 “Next Generation”, commonly abbreviated as B737NG, is the name given to the four variants −600/-700/-800/-900 series of the Boeing 737 airliner. The B737NG is an upgrade of the B737 Classic (−300/–400/–500) series.
Compared to the B737 Classic, it has a redesigned wing with a larger area, a wider wingspan, greater fuel capacity, and higher MTOW and longer range. It has CFM International CFM56-7 series engines, a glass cockpit, and upgraded and redesigned interior configurations.
Produced since 1996, the 737NG series can seat between 110 and 210 passengers. The most-ordered variant was the B737-800, with 4,991 commercial, 191 military, and 23 corporate, or a total of 5,205 aircraft. Boeing stopped assembling commercial B737NGs in 2019 and made the final deliveries in January 2020. The B737 NG is superseded by the fourth generation B737 MAX, introduced in 2017. The B737NG’s primary competition is with the Airbus A320 family.
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