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  • Create Date 14 March 2024
  • Last Updated 14 March 2024

Boeing B737 Runway Overrun

During the takeoff of a scheduled passenger transportation flight from Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Barcelona (Spain), the aircraft suffered a bird strike in the area of the nose landing gear during rotation. The flight crew informed the ATC and the flight continued without any abnormal indication in the cockpit. During the landing roll at Barcelona, when the nose wheels touched down, the aircraft started deviating to the left of runway 25R. The flight crew applied right rudder, brakes and used the nose wheel steering tiller but could not avoid that the aircraft went off the runway through the unprepared terrain located to the left of runway 25R. The aircraft suffered major damage during that run until it eventually came to a stop close to a wide rain drainage canal located at about 107 m from the runway axis.

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