Standard Calls

Standard phraseology is essential to ensure effective crew communication, particularly in today's operating environment, which increasingly features Two-crewmember operation and, International / worldwide contexts involving crewmembers with different native languages…. Continue Reading →

What is PRNAV ?

Precision-RNAV (P-RNAV) is the natural progression from Basic RNAV (B-RNAV) which became mandatory in European Airspace in April 1998 for en-route operations. Initial application is in the Terminal Area and P-RNAV track keeping equates to cross track accuracy of RNP 1 ( or – 1NM). P-RNAV procedures are designed to a common set of design…… Continue Reading →

Vulnerabilities Warrant Attention as Satellite based Navigation Grows

The International Civil Aviation Organization and other authorities recommend backup inertial-reference systems, ground-based navaids, and radar surveillance and vectoring to mitigate interference — unintentional and intentional — with navigation signals from space. Improved satellites and augmentation systems will help to lessen risks under instrument flight rules…. Continue Reading →