
The U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations and the European Joint Aviation Requirements redefined V1 as the maximum airspeed at which a flight crew must take the first action to safely reject a takeoff. Other revisions change the method of compensating for the time required by pilots to take action to reject a takeoff; require accelerate-stop data…… Continue Reading →


As the computer technology of aircraft navigation systems became more and more sophisticated, aircraft and avionics manufacturers attempt to exploit this computer capability in aircraft operations. One of the most profound capabilities being exploited recently is the aircraft’s capability of navigating vertically on an instrument approach without reference to an external electronic guidance signal such…… Continue Reading →

Approach Hazards Awareness

Factors that may contribute to approach-and- landing accidents include flight over hilly terrain, reduced visibility, visual illusions, adverse winds, contaminated runways and/or limited approach aids. Flight crews should be aware of the compounding nature of these hazards during approach and landing…. Continue Reading →

Go-Around Review

Most air transport pilots lack adequate training in how to perform the most common go-arounds — those with both engines operating in the high-pressure environment of a missed approach, according to a study by the French Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses (BEA)…. Continue Reading →