Standard Calls

Standard phraseology is essential to ensure effective crew communication, particularly in today's operating environment, which increasingly features Two-crewmember operation and, International / worldwide contexts involving crewmembers with different native languages…. Continue Reading →

What is PRNAV ?

Precision-RNAV (P-RNAV) is the natural progression from Basic RNAV (B-RNAV) which became mandatory in European Airspace in April 1998 for en-route operations. Initial application is in the Terminal Area and P-RNAV track keeping equates to cross track accuracy of RNP 1 ( or – 1NM). P-RNAV procedures are designed to a common set of design…… Continue Reading →

Vulnerabilities Warrant Attention as Satellite based Navigation Grows

The International Civil Aviation Organization and other authorities recommend backup inertial-reference systems, ground-based navaids, and radar surveillance and vectoring to mitigate interference — unintentional and intentional — with navigation signals from space. Improved satellites and augmentation systems will help to lessen risks under instrument flight rules…. Continue Reading →

Cosmic Radiations

Crew members who regularly fly at high cruise altitudes receive higher levels of ionizing radiation than the general population. The increased risk appears to be slight, but greater attention is being focused on monitoring of, and education about, ionizing radiation…. Continue Reading →