Getting To Grips With RNP AR

The Performance Based Navigation concept allows to optimize the instrument procedure design with the aircraft navigation performance. This concept is used en route, to reduce aircraft separation, and in terminal area to optimize arrival and departure procedures. The utmost development of Performance Based Navigation for approach, missed approach and departure is known under different names.…… Continue Reading →

Getting to grips with ETOPS

The purpose of this Airbus brochure is to provide Airbus operators with: the currently applicable ETOPS regulations, as published in the various relevant circulars, and the agreed interpretations thereto, which have been defined in the frame of the JAA/FAA Harmonization Committee…. Continue Reading →

Pilots and ATC Communications

English is the international language of aviation. But even when pilots and controllers both speak English fluently, there are pitfalls in the nature of language and the ways that language is heard. Subtle miscues can subvert messages that seem clear to the sender. Pilots and controllers must be aware of, and avoid, common types of…… Continue Reading →