Fuel Filter Contamination

Dirty fuel is the main cause of engine fuel filter contamination. Although’s a difficult problem to isolate, airlines can take steps to deal with it, including auditing fuel suppliers to ensure that they are following applicable fuel handling requirements and replacing engine fuel filters more often…. Continue Reading →

Inflight Airplane Vibration

Modern commercial jet airplanes provide smooth, comfortable travel that typically is free of vibration. Some types of vibration can be expected from time to time and are considered normal. However, isolated cases of abnormal vibration require prompt flight crew response and subsequent timely maintenance action…. Continue Reading →

Preventing Engine Ingestion Injuries

History has shown that failure to observe proper safety precautions, such as good communication and awareness of the hazard areas in the vicinity of an operating jet engine, can result in serious injury or death. The risk of ingestion can be prevented with appropriate training and adherence to the safety precautions… Continue Reading →