Airbus A340 Attempted Take-off on Taxiway

A serious incident involved an Airbus A340-300 aircraft at Hong Kong International Airport at a time the Flight crew attempted to take-off after making a wrong turn onto a taxiway. On detecting the anomaly, an air traffic controller instructed the pilot to stop rolling and the attempted take-off was aborted in time. There was no…… Continue Reading →

Airbus A340 Ground Collision

On 21 August 2008, an Airbus A340-300 on a scheduled passenger flight from Teheran (Iran) to Frankfurt (Germany) collided with a stationary bus with only the driver on board whilst approaching the allocated parking gate in normal daylight visibility. The No 4 engine impacted the bus roof as shown in the photograph below reproduced from…… Continue Reading →

Airbus A340 Turbulence and Overspeed

On 22 July 2011 an Airbus A340-300 on a scheduled passenger flight from Caracas (Venezuela) to Paris CDG (France) at FL350 in night IMC encountered moderate turbulence which led to an overspeed annunciation which was followed by the aircraft abruptly pitching up and a gain of over 3000 feet in less than a minute before…… Continue Reading →

Airbus A380 Smoke In Lavatory

On 31 January 2011, an Airbus A380-800 on a scheduled passenger service from Hong Kong (ROC) to Singapore and nearing the end of the cruise at night was suddenly subject to a loud noise and signs of possible fire in one of the toilet compartments accompanied by a corresponding ECAM Smoke alert for the same…… Continue Reading →