Airbus A320 Tailstrike On Landing

The crew were carrying out a manually flown ILS approach without the use of flight directors or autothrust. At 530 ft agl the aircraft was well above the normal 3º glideslope. The glideslope was not regained until shortly before landing, and by then the speed was below approach speed (VAPP) and the descent rate was…… Continue Reading →

Airbus A321 Roll Oscillations On Landing

At approximately 140 feet AGL, on final approach to Runway 24R with full flaps selected, the aircraft experienced roll oscillations. The flight crew levelled the wings and the aircraft touched down firmly. During the approach, the aircraft had accumulated mixed ice on areas of the wing and the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer that…… Continue Reading →

Airbus A340 Runway Overrun and Fire

During the flare, the aircraft travelled through an area of heavy rain, and visual contact with the runway environment was significantly reduced. There were numerous lightning strikes occurring, particularly at the far end of the runway. The aircraft touched down about 3800 feet down the runway, reverse thrust was selected about 12.8 seconds after landing,…… Continue Reading →

Airbus A310 Runway Overrun and Fire

On 25 March 2008 an Airbus A310 being operated by Sudan Airways on a passenger flight from Port Sudan to Khartoum overran the runway after a late night touchdown at destination in normal visibility off a non precision approach to runway 36. A fire became evident once the aircraft had stopped and this subsequently burned…… Continue Reading →