Wingtip Devices
Wingtip Devices: what they do and how they do it. A Boeing aerodynamist explains in very simple words what is hidden between "induced drag reduction", "vortex", "winglets" and so on…. Continue Reading →
Wingtip Devices: what they do and how they do it. A Boeing aerodynamist explains in very simple words what is hidden between "induced drag reduction", "vortex", "winglets" and so on…. Continue Reading →
This document reviews the philosophy of Fuel Conservation… Continue Reading →
Among the various environmental concerns, the aircraft noise item has been constantly growing in importance over the past years. Indeed, unlike a Mozart’s symphony, airplane noise is one of those sounds which are undesirable to most of the observers. Its various effects on man, especially on the people living in the vicinity of civilian and…… Continue Reading →
The maximum altitude at which an airplane can be flown is limited by three factors: 1) the maximum certified altitude 2) the buffet-limited maximum altitude 3) the thrust-limited maximum altitude. The most limiting of these three altitudes defines the maximum operating altitude…… Continue Reading →
One of the very best documents published on a very sensitive operational topic…. Continue Reading →
Pilot braking action reports that are based on reliable assessment procedures and that use the proper terminology are potentially valuable supplements to other runway condition information. The limitations of pilot braking action reports should be understood…. Continue Reading →
Aircraft braking coefficient is affected by liquid water in frozen runway contamination…. Continue Reading →
Airplane tires are designed to withstand a wide range of operating conditions, including carrying very high loads and operating at very high speeds. It is common for a jet airplane tire to carry loads as heavy as 60,000 pounds while operating at ground speeds up to 235 miles per hour. To accommodate these operational conditions,…… Continue Reading →
This document will help you to increase your knowledge in a better understanding of contaminated and slippery runways… Continue Reading →
Southwest engineer gives operator perspective on blended winglet…. Continue Reading →
It is well known that contamination on the runway may be a contributing factor to a runway excursion. In Sweden, known for warm and dry summers, the contamination mostly consists of snow and ice in the winter…… Continue Reading →