
The overspeed governor incorporates a feathering solenoid valve which is energized when the Condition Lever is moved to the CUT OFF position, causing the blades to feather.

Correct! Wrong!

The propeller feathers automatically when the condition lever is moved to CUT-OFF FEATHER.

Nominal propeller rpm during all phases of operation is 1,500 rpm, except at low power settings at low speeds where there is insufficient energy available to rotate the prop at 1,500 rpm.

Correct! Wrong!

Nominal propeller rpm during all phases of operation is 1,700 rpm, except at low power settings at low speeds where there is insufficient energy available to rotate the prop at 1,700 rpm.

The airplane is equipped with a four or five blade, variable pitch, full feathering propeller which is driven by the engine power turbine through the reduction gearbox. Propeller pitch is adjusted by engine oil pressure regulated through the Propeller Governor/Constant Speed Unit (CSU).

Correct! Wrong!

The blade angle is set by controlling the pressure of the oil supplied to the propeller.

Electrical power to enable propeller feathering is supplied from the:

Correct! Wrong!

The red Propeller Low Pitch warning will be shown on the CAS when the propeller pitch is less than _____ (minimum pitch in flight) and the aircraft is not on the ground.

Correct! Wrong!

When the Propeller heating system is on, if the MAU detects a failure, a red Propeller De-Ice warning is shown on the CAS.

Correct! Wrong!

If the MAU detects a failure, an amber Propeller De-Ice caution is shown on the CAS.

Ground operation with propeller below ____ rpm is not permitted.

Correct! Wrong!

On the ground at idle power the propeller rotates at approximately 1060 rpm. When power is increased the CSU will control propeller speed at 1700 rpm

Each propeller blade has an electrically heated boot on the inboard upper and lower leading edge. When the PROPELLER switch is set to ON, the blades are heated in cycles. A de-ice timer unit selects automatically the appropriate cycle depending on the:

Correct! Wrong!

Upon selection of the de-ice system the de-ice timer performs a built-in test function lasting approximately _____.

Correct! Wrong!

The CAS amber Propeller De-Ice caution will be shown if the system electrical load is outside its limits.

Pilatus PC-12 – Engine