
The avionics smoke warning triggers, if both smoke detectors detect smoke for:

Correct! Wrong!

If smoke has been detected in one of the lavatories:

Correct! Wrong!

What does this SMOKE light indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

When the cargo smoke warning triggers, each isolation valve of the cargo ventilation system of all compartments close automatically, and the extraction fan stops.

Correct! Wrong!

When the cargo smoke warning triggers, the isolation valves of the cargo ventilation system of the affected compartment close automatically, and the extraction fan stops.

There is an automatic and manual fire extinguishing system in the wastebin of each lavatory.

Correct! Wrong!

There is only an automatic fire extinguishing system in the wastebin of each lavatory.

If the APU fire system detects a fire in flight will the extinguisher discharge automatically?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the true statement about the fire extinguishing system?

Correct! Wrong!

AGENT pb on FIRE overhead panel can be operated when:

Correct! Wrong!

Smoke has been detected in the FWD cargo compartment and the pilot has pushed FWD AGENT pb. Bottles 1 and 2 have discharged.

Correct! Wrong!

Engine fire protection is provided by 2 detection loops which provide information to a computer (Fire Detection Unit).

Correct! Wrong!


The smoke detection system of the cargo compartments consists of smoke detectors, that are housed in:

Correct! Wrong!

There are 2 cavities in the forward cargo compartment, 2 cavities in the aft cargo compartment and 1 cavity in the bulk cargo compartment.

When an APU fire is detected on ground, the APU fire light on the External Power Control panel comes on. In addition:

Correct! Wrong!

Each engine has two extinguisher bottles equipped with electrically-operated squibs to discharge their agents. Each squib has a single electric supply.

Correct! Wrong!

When a red ECAM message SMOKE LAVATORY SMOKE is displayed:

Correct! Wrong!

On CARGO SMOKE overhead panel, SQUIB illuminates white:

Correct! Wrong!

Each lavatory is equipped with:

Correct! Wrong!

If the ENG FIRE pb is depressed:

Correct! Wrong!

A fire has been detected on engine 1. ENG 1 FIRE pb and FIRE light on ENG 1 MASTER will extinguish:

Correct! Wrong!

Smoke has been detected in the AFT cargo compartment. The pilot has pushed the AFT AGENT pb and bottle 1 has discharged. The bottle 2:

Correct! Wrong!

What does an amber ECAM warning SMOKE DET FAULT mean?

Correct! Wrong!


Which of the following statements is true?

Correct! Wrong!

The gas detection loops consist of three sensing elements for each engine, located in the pylon nacelle, in the engine core sections and:

Correct! Wrong!

When a sensing element is subjected to heat, it sends a signal to the fire detection unit. As soon as loops A and B detect temperature at a preset level, it triggers the fire warning system.

A red disk, which is outside at the rear of the fuselage, signals that:

Correct! Wrong!

The APU fire extinguishing system includes:

Correct! Wrong!

When smoke is detected in the avionics compartment:

Correct! Wrong!

If the system detects an APU fire while the aircraft is on the ground, it shuts down the APU automatically and discharges extinguishing agent.

Correct! Wrong!

The engines and the APU each have a fire and overheat detection system consisting of two identical gas detection loops (A and B) mounted in parallel and a Fire Detection Unit (FDU).

Correct! Wrong!

What does an amber ECAM warning ENG 1 FIRE DET FAULT mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Cargo fire protection is provided by:

Correct! Wrong!

Airbus A330 – Fire Protection