The improved Global Express XRS replaced the original Global Express and provides greater range at high speed, cabin upgrades, improved takeoff performance, fast fueling capability and the Bombardier Enhanced Vision System (BEVS) as standard equipment. A new forward fuel tank in the wing/body fairing increases the usable fuel capacity allowing it to fly 6,500 nm (12,000 km) at Mach 0.82, 6,150 nm at Mach 0.85 or 5,450 nm (10,100 km) at Mach 0.87. It provides improved pressurization with a 4,500 ft cabin altitude at 45,000 ft and a 5,700 ft cabin altitude at 51,000 ft: a 25% improvement on the previous Global cabin.


Global Express XRS Power Plant
Global Express XRS Navigation
Global Express XRS Lighting
Global Express XRS Landing Gear
Global Express XRS Ice and Rain Protection
Global Express XRS Hydraulics
Global Express XRS Fuel
Global Express XRS Flight Controls
Global Express XRS Fire Protection
Global Express XRS Fire Instruments
Global Express XRS Emergency Equipment
Global Express XRS Electrical
Global Express XRS Communications
Global Express XRS Auxiliary Power Unit
Global Express XRS Automatic Flight Control System
Global Express XRS Aural and Visual Warnings
Global Express XRS Airplane General
Global Express XRS Air Cond and Press

    Flight Patterns

    Bombardier Global Express XRS Standard Visual Approach
    Bombardier Global Express XRS Precision Approach
    Bombardier Global Express XRS Non Precision Approach
    Bombardier Global Express XRS Circling Approach

      Instructor’s Corner
